Thank you, Ricky, for this sample from my HoppiTea package!
I love Canton Tea Co. Everything seems so personalized. I love the handwriting on the labels, the non-uniform sizing of the packages. It feels so human and makes me feel so connected. Most of all, I love the tea.
The dry tea smells woodsy, almost like cedar, but with a deeper aroma. It implies strength. I love Dan Cong and am looking forward to this one.
190F(87C)/2 min – Because of the strength of the dry scent, I went with a lighter steep time and temp. The scent is now… sweet?! Yes, it has a sweetness to the scent, almost like peaches, but really ripe peaches. The taste has that peachy flavor (not the sweetness, but the essence of peach) with lychee, too, and it also has a slight vegetal flavor as well. It’s the fruitiness that’s throwing me. It’s delightful! The tea still has that woodsy taste that I’d expect from its initial scent when dry. It’s not bitter or astringent and I’m glad I adjusted the steeping parameters. It’s a perfect morning tea!