Following 765 Tea Drinkers

Des 32 followers

I have bounced between tea and coffee for years now. When I’m involved with o...

teaddict 97 followers

I’ve been drinking tea for 30 years, but only bought 2 brands of 2 different ...

Payton 42 followers

A tea geek (and also general geek) in Burlington, Vermont. I’m drawn to the b...

Geoffrey Norman 207 followers

I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I a...

Lucy 125 followers

Ellen 64 followers

My favorite teas are Taiwan high mountain, Anxi, Wuyi, and dancong oolongs. ...

QueenOfTarts 348 followers

~ Tea (& Coffee) lover. Bookworm. Favorite teas: Milk Oolong, Flavored bl...

Auggy 531 followers

I’m trying to be a better tea logger and actually post semi-regularly again! ...

Brooklynsheep 45 followers

A highly domesticated creature living in the outer boroughs of New York City....

Thomas Smith 116 followers

Tea Geek. My focus is on Chinese Wulongs and Pu’er but I’m all over the place...



I’m a southern boy that that continues to have an intense love for high quality loose leaf tea! This is no doubt, a passion I intend to enjoy and pursue for the rest of my life! I love the art of tea, and the expression of it’s culture in each cup.

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Typically, I’m a straight tea and loose-leaf type of drinker. Black teas (especially Taiwanese blacks), Greener Oolong and Sheng Pu-erhs are top on my list!

Don’t get me wrong though, I do like me some darker, roasted oolongs, shu puerhs, greens and whites are a must as well!


Middle Tennessee

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