1113 Tasting Notes
I don’t get to drink outside as much as I like because I am just swamped with stuff to do and yes I took it on all by myself!
80+ new puerh drinkers have packages going out to them. Teaching my gf how to break and weigh gifts; meaning exacts don’t matter :P
Pubertea… the pubertea side buy.
So excited to read through everyone’s sessions.
Anyways, this tea. This tea right here. Right here, this tea.
Light. Crisp. Everlasting?
Really enjoyable, but I think the pictures do justice for explaining the experience.
I feel so zapped every night that it’s hard to sit down and just write a review; however it has been replaced with opening up IG/Reddit/Steepster and talking to others about tea : )
Hands down among the top 3 raw puerh in terms of leaf quality… beautiful beautiful beautiful leaf.
Anyways, Hojo’’s info
“It is made of the naturally farmed
tea.It gives light body and extremely
long lasting after taste. Tea gives flioral
note thanks to slightly lighter panfrying
process. This tea will also age
very well as it is very rich in poly
phenol and minerals.”
This is a must purchase for me after I had two sessions of it. The tea goes on for 20+ steeps and it’s absolutely amazing. Hopefully there is a 2017 that comes out as well so I can compare the two over time.
Solid light taste with floral notes inbetween the vegetable notes and a light raw puerh note that isn’t hard on the mouth at all.
Going through some samples and came across this one: https://www.teamania.ch/en/hekai-shan-gushu-2014.html
Two sessions in the last week to reassure what I tasted here. Really nice thickness to the liquid. Lots of the autumn like taste going on with this even though it’s spring picking. I believe this is one of those teas that if left for years will become a heavy dark and thick drink in the future. Right now it is already quite thick and potent, but with my newly acquired taste of aged stuff… everything is just a few strokes of a painting that I can gamble on in regards to the full pictures years to come when it’s either close to finish or enough to consumed wholly.
Puerh has become less of taste and more of experience as I’ve gotten to know not only the liquid but the leaf as well. Lots and lots of hard to explain concepts for this hobby.
So much has been happening and while I have enjoyed myself quite a bit, I really miss the higher volume of engagement within the tea community. Just got done at an anime convention where I cosplayed as Char Aznable; you can see here if you’d like https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154629015982361&set=a.439108127360.221932.714617360&type=3&theater what is awesome about this is that the setup that we are next to is a Make a Wish project (which is why this is the pictured I am using, it means much more than the others)
Anyways, recently I bought this tea that looks all crazy on Global Tea Hut’s website: Aged Mountain Gate. I am almost sure the tea leaves are different that are used because look at it!!!
So the taste is confusing… as I drank it, blindfolded I would have said this is a 1 to 2 year old maocha. The hand pressing on this must allow it to retain that maocha’ness to it where the depth doesn’t withstand as many boiling baths. I am going to store this in my pumidor and hope that it develops more depth or something because right now it’s a mystery; though I am still new to it.
I am happy to announce that a good tea has become great under my care and while living in my pumidor.
I got off of work at noon today because I am prepping for a vacation weekend and have drank this for over four hours… still kind of blows my mind.
Using boiling water at this point but it’s solid.
Good day.
p.s. this is raw
Tonight I enjoyed the 2015 1000 year sheng from Verdant Tea thanks to a friend.
No need to discuss age of tree or the past issues, this tea has came a long way: https://steepster.com/Proust614/posts/328940
So… 100% serious here: Yesterday I had YQH all night which prepped me to go back to a tea of ‘quality’ and check it out. This happened to be the tea I chose. I find this tea picking up not only body but a sense of dense and deep flavor within the darkening leaf. The original small 100g cakes, which I dislike regardless of who presses them, was completely green and now is more olive with darker tones to it. At this point I am somewhat upset that I don’t have a full cake as this is really really good. Maybe all the hype at the time made people drink it up too quick to really figure out if it could become something amazing because that’s all I am noticing.
Strong body, nice body heat, and a very deep vegetable note under the young raw taste that is no longer astringent. Very satisfied with my session of this tea tonight. I really look forward to trying the 1800 year again, but I am down to like 15g in my pumidor…. oh I really want to see if it has become as wonderful as this.
Question though: Anyone else find a tea to develop a strong body after just two years when it wasn’t present before (or maybe it was and the astringency made it so I couldn’t notice)
So I started this tea about 6 hours ago which is pretty awesome!
Anyways, at this point I have tasted through quite a few different YQH productions and find that all of them have great storage, however that storage may not be to my liking all the time. Something that also stands out is the texture of these teas in general; a nice thick syrup like viscosity. There’s a clear connection with price per gram and enjoyment of the teas; a very subjective remark, but in this case I can back it up.
For a tea that is running $.41/gram, I find this to be a good deal as it will brew an entire day if you’d like for it to. It’s ready to drink now. Personally I think this is the kind of tea you drink over the course of years as it should only deepen which would be noticed by the owner as they get to know the tea. This one has more of the mineral rubbed fruit notes, very dark and dry, opposed to my favorite YQH cake the 2004 dingji yesheng.
A few notes of leather and old book hang around. Later into the brew this tea can take the three minute steeps and come out thick with the taste as if it is only in its 5th brew. Longevity and consistency.
First thing I have to say about this tea is that new material can still be found at a great deal like this cake here. $55 for 200g for what this is… great deal.
Now I have to get on to some other thoughts that I’ll make concise.
1) I disagree with Chawangshop about this tea having a bitterness to it.
2) The ‘fast huigan’ is a real thing with this, no way to not take a sip and not realize how quick it hits
3) There’s a good blend going on with what was pressed here. I found a three leaf and a bud in my first session with many 2 leaf one bud as well.
4) Very clean, but the astringency builds upon itself as the mouth is bombarded with hot liquids :p
5) I should of drank the lower end prior to the higher end… woops
It’ll be hard to not buy a cake of this before I get through trying the others though as this is something I think is my type of newer material.
There is no way to describe how clear and clean tasting this is other than to say it reminds me of a non roasted Taiwanese oolong. The two leaf and a bud pieces within this tea is beautiful.
Highly recommend grabbing a sample of this if you like easy going new sheng :)
This the one? http://hojotea.com/en/posts-124/
Dang, this is part of it? It’s a pricey one, but good one I haven’t been able to sit down and take proper notes of it, but it is good and strong from first impression.
Part of what?
Ah, for a second I thought this was going to be included in the packages you are sending out to people. :P