Brought this one to work today.
It’s not bad, but it’s not really great, either. And I will note that I’m having it hot and unsweetened. It’s maybe blueberry, it’s thick because of the hibiscus. But the tea itself is almost insipid.
Oh well.
Edit: There’s sage in this?! I honestly couldn’t tell.
I went up North once and bought really good blueberry ice wine and raspberry ice wine and then I took it back to Montreal with me, on the plane, in my suitcase. It exploded. I was sad. My clothes were sad (and purple). And I had no wine to help forget my sadness. That`s what the name makes me think of so this is not a happy tea. Also, blueberry ice wine is delicious but I don`t know how I feel about Blueberry Merlot
Blueberry Merlot is the cheapest of the cheap wines I’ve ever had in the States. It was a generic red sweetened flavoured wine for under $5 for the bottle. Hahaha.
The name is a little scary. ;-)
I’d rather just have blueberry wine in my thermos, TBH. :D
I went up North once and bought really good blueberry ice wine and raspberry ice wine and then I took it back to Montreal with me, on the plane, in my suitcase. It exploded. I was sad. My clothes were sad (and purple). And I had no wine to help forget my sadness. That`s what the name makes me think of so this is not a happy tea. Also, blueberry ice wine is delicious but I don`t know how I feel about Blueberry Merlot
Blueberry Merlot is the cheapest of the cheap wines I’ve ever had in the States. It was a generic red sweetened flavoured wine for under $5 for the bottle. Hahaha.
That is really really sad, actually. Wow. The loss of the wine. The clothes. THe WINE. :(