This brings me back to my childhood – we always had Red Rose, Twinings Earl Grey, and Peppermint teas in the house. I loved to horrify my father (still do!) by putting milk in this one. :D
So while this is a very furniture-polishy, tooth-squeaky type of tea, it’s also something I love because I used to drink it all the time.
I have a feeling this came from MissB, when she was in London. Thanks so much!
Weird! I’ve nearly always drank my earl grey with a little milk. Does he despise it terribly? Then again, I guess that reminds me of my mom and her aversion to coffee with sugar in it.
Weird! I’ve nearly always drank my earl grey with a little milk. Does he despise it terribly? Then again, I guess that reminds me of my mom and her aversion to coffee with sugar in it.
Earl Grey is one of the teas I most love with milk.
Hahaha. He is just grossed out by milk + citrus I think. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him have an Orange Julius either, and that was another childhood staple for me!