Yay! Dexter sent me part of a tin because this is my most favourite chai ever but she didn’t love it as much. So I don’t have to be so careful with what I have left! Thank you so much Dex! :D
Good tea is SO GOOD yum. With a splosh of cream, as usual.
So I’m sipping this, I ate some of the matcha white chocolate cookies I made (I know…) and had some hardboiled eggs. I want to EAT ALL THE THINGS because I don’t think I ate quite enough while I was out yesterday. But then I was abruptly not hungry. I mean, I put the cookies away! O.O What?
The nice thing is that I’m not extremely sore. Some soreness, but I can walk without much of a problem today – just one foot is giving me some trouble, but I was expecting that TBH. My tarsals (aka cuneiform, why are there two names for these bones seriously people) are slightly overlapped and the arch collapses/ankle turns in on one foot. I’m working on it, but it takes time to restrengthen the right muscles.
So happy to hear that you aren’t too sore today. :))
:D Me too!