Mixed 50/50 with Limeade Twist (http://steepster.com/teas/teavana/47151-limeade-twist-herbal-tea) as a before bed drink. Kinda. I usually like to have water or something beside my bed for when I wake up, so this will also serve that purpose. And because it’s tea, the cat won’t drink it.
I do really like this blend, for all its sugary lime and berry flavours. So sugary. And I added some honey too! I actually rinsed the tea with about 8oz of boiling water, just to try to take away some of the flavouring and the sugar from the candied fruits. I’m not sure how well it worked, but it made me feel a little better.
Oh, and if you crush and break open juniper berries you’ve steeped, you’ll get sap all over your fingers and have to use olive oil or nail polish remover to get it off. Or both. Just FYI.
1 tbsp each tea in a 1 quart “mason” jar. Actually Canadian Dominion Mason Wide Mouth. (I have a 1928 Heinz ketchup jar, but I’m scared to use it for tea. I don’t want to break it!)
Err, make that a 1929-1936 Heinz “Diamond Glass” pickle jar. I think? Gah, Canadian glass is irritating.