I have this in my paws thanks to the lovely Dinosara. Thank you so much!
I steeped this super short. 2×3o seconds mostly to flavour some water. It’s tulsi and that root beer tree (sa… Whatever it is.) and a bit of toasty earthiness in the background.
This tulsi is super strong. Almost licorice or fennel flavoured.
And now I’m at work. So thank you again for the lovely teas. I’ll do more steeps of this when I get home and also edit this note because I’m having typing issues on my phone right now. :/
Sasaparilla. :) Sounds lovely! Well, to me at least. I remember you really disliking licorice though. How are you faring with it?
Sasaparilla. :) Sounds lovely! Well, to me at least. I remember you really disliking licorice though. How are you faring with it?
I am contrary and don’t like licorice root in particular. The sickly sweet aftertaste is just. Blech. Butiki’s So Long and Thanks for all the Licorice is perfect for me. No actual licorice! :)