I just realized! It’s my Steepster-versary! 773 tasting notes, 366 teas tried, >200 teas in my cupboard. :D
This means a CELEBRATION, which is consisting of my favourite chai (that I would never have bought if not for the enablers on here) in a travel mug, as I go out in the snow and try to get to work! No, it’s not much snow, but we’re ill-equipped to deal with it. I do have to check on work stuff, though. Just for an hour or two, and then I will start texting MissB to pester her into meeting up! :D
Hopefully the samples I’ve packaged up for her are indeed teas she hasn’t tried. :D
Hee hee. You woke me up, and I’m so glad you did! :) I’ve gone through them all now (finally, at 5am) and I’ve yet to try any of them. Well, except for the Elderberry I just brewed up. ;) Thank you so much!!
Woo! Happy Tea Anniversary!
YAY! happy tea anniversary!
Hee hee. You woke me up, and I’m so glad you did! :) I’ve gone through them all now (finally, at 5am) and I’ve yet to try any of them. Well, except for the Elderberry I just brewed up. ;) Thank you so much!!
Have fun, and you’re welcome! :)