15 Tasting Notes
I purchased this tea as a show-and-tell item for my tea class. I decided to try it, since I blew $18 on it, and decided not to return it. White teas aren’t always my thing, but this was very lovely. Subtle, resteeps well, and is a fantastic companion to late-night computing.
I added whole jasmine flowers to this to enhance the flavor. It’s one of my go-to greens simply because I have a great deal of it. It’s very pretty, and it unfurls nicely. This was one of my stepping-stones into the world of delicious green teas.
Best tea tumbler I’ve ever used. The basket has tiny holes instead of being a mesh, so I’m unlikely to break it and only the tiniest bit of tea particles get through. I love that you can flip it to stop the steeping, and you don’t have to take out the basket to drink it. Not so good for use when driving, but fantastic for drinking out and about.