Now I get to compare a french press brewed Queen Catherine to one brewed in a tea ball. The liquid is much darker now. It is a nice rich red-brown. Almost approaching the brown I see off of dark beers. It smells even better. Deep and rich. It reminds me of the happy feeling I get off of smelling coffee, only you can tell that the smell is tea.
Now to the taste. It is definitely richer and fuller in the press than it is in the tea ball. I am just getting a hint of cocoa, but I am getting a richer almost smokey thing going on. Not as smokey as Lapsang Souchong, but it definitely has that quality. It is really, really smooth too. No hint of bitterness.
I have been trying to get up earlier to brew tea before class, but I didn’t make it today. Luckily, my teacher cancelled class and I was in the mood for the Queen. I am so glad I made her too. The only bad thing is that I am now out of my sample that Ashley was kind enough to send me. I wonder if I could convince my mom to help me order tea? I think that will work better if I drink up most of the teas I have left. Then I can get more of the Queen.