It started snowing here today and I had a glass of this tea for lunch and dinner. The sad part is that I only have one more tea bag left. The happy part is that I beat Portal 2 today. Now I have to go back and play the original Portal.
Tea and gaming. Good day.
205 °F / 96 °C
Wow, you just reminded me that I still have a little bit left to beat Portal! I ended up setting it aside once school started. Oh, and a ton more content left to play in Fallout 3. And I have to finish Half-Life 2, which I barely started. …Darn, too many games on the go for a student, seriously.
Wow, you just reminded me that I still have a little bit left to beat Portal! I ended up setting it aside once school started. Oh, and a ton more content left to play in Fallout 3. And I have to finish Half-Life 2, which I barely started. …Darn, too many games on the go for a student, seriously.
Good day indeed!