drank Indischer Chai by Westcliff
2065 tasting notes

Finding any relateable information about this tea is almost inpossible. And, as I have received it from postcrossing – I have no information myself. But I have found out it is probably from Aldi store, even I have found some ingredients somewhere, but not a full list of them.

Anyway, I am in kind of rush, but I will try my best. I prepared it plain, no milk, no cream – in 400 ml mug.

Eww. 3 minutes and something steep. Vanilla is overpowering everything. Tea base tastes like… if you detect it, dirty water. Bad base tea, or just chep one. There is little spices, rather “visible” in aromas, than in taste and from those are mostly cinnamon.

Vanilla and Cinnamon.
Okay. But tea in whole? Cheap bad chai. I had much better ones, this is really below average. This is not even good as daily tea.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 14 OZ / 400 ML

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I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful world of loose leaf.

Trying to rate differently tea bags and loose leaf as tea bags have usually worse quality.

Photographer now and then. Postcrossing and geocaching member. Very curious person. Logistics student (should finish in June 2021).

Buried in tea right now. Is in my cupboard (trying to be updated) which sparkled your interest? Write me, I would gladly share with you. But I don’t want anything in return now :)


Czech Republic

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