I let my daughter taste this tea and she said, “hmm, it’s okay. I mean it’s pretty good.” Seven times out of ten her response is, “tastes like butt.” I’m pretty sure it just got the okay comment because I don’t take as much sugar in my tea as she likes in hers.
I liked this one better as it cooled down. I felt the flavors came out a little better. Perhaps an icing is in the future. Smooth and a bit malty are my first impressions. Maybe the chocolate makes it malty like. The mint is very natural, naked mint. I keep pushing my tongue up to the roof of my mouth, where I taste the mint the most.
Chocolate and mint, where can you go wrong?
Hehe, yeah we generally giggle at her too. I roll my eyes a lot. I think she is starting to open her mind up to different flavors now though. Score! I’m grooming another tea lover. :D
While I greatly appreciate the skill & time so many Steepsterites put into the reviews, I believe your daughter would add a much-welcome twist if she had her own account and would review teas. There is really no misinterpreting “tastes like butt”, and I think her unique way of putting things is wonderful. It certainly made me laugh. Please encourage her to join us :)
Not gonna lie I actually laughed out loud when I read “tastes like butt” :D
Hehe, yeah we generally giggle at her too. I roll my eyes a lot. I think she is starting to open her mind up to different flavors now though. Score! I’m grooming another tea lover. :D
While I greatly appreciate the skill & time so many Steepsterites put into the reviews, I believe your daughter would add a much-welcome twist if she had her own account and would review teas. There is really no misinterpreting “tastes like butt”, and I think her unique way of putting things is wonderful. It certainly made me laugh. Please encourage her to join us :)