1 bag for 200mL water, bare.
Not a brilliant, mind-blowing Darjeeling but a damned sight better than most bagged travesties that dare to call themselves Darjeeling. A thoroughly dependable Darjeeling. Light body, lovely scent, nutty muscatel taste, and mild to medium astringency. Tastes best to me at a four-minute steep.
For bagged tea, St Dalfour’s Darjeeling and Ceylon are really, really good. Stash’s bagged Darjeelings, in their Teas of India line, are a bit better, but St Dalfour’s can be found in stores here, whereas most of Stash’s offerings must be ordered online.
This also makes an excellent overnight iced tea. Use as many bags as you would for hot tea, put the bags in your pitcher, fill the pitcher with cold water, brew overnight. No bitterness. The St Dalfour Ceylon is excellent for this, too.