1.5 tsp for 300mL @100C, steeped 4 minutes.
They’ve changed it.
This was a blend of Keemun, Assam, Yunnan and Uva. On the DavidsTea site, on the front page for black teas, it still is. When you get to the indiviaul listing, though, it’s now a blend of Darjeeling, Yunnan, and Ceylon. Could we get it together here, people? Grumble snort.
Ceylon, huh? I dunno …
And what’s with DavidsTea and Keemun? First, they dropped their Keemun offering, and now this blend no longer has Keemun. I had liked how this blend was heavier on China than India black tea.
So yeah, I am not feeling kindly inclined.
Lots of copper from the Ceylon, and that sunshiny but slightly flat taste some Ceylons offer.
Where’s the Darjeeing? Where’s the Yunnan?
A Ceylon-heavy blend. Fine, if you really like Ceylons. Disappointing, if you were in the mood for China. As for being in the mood for Darjeeling … yeah, go get some decent Darjeeling.
Not bitter, and not acidic — but only a medim body. No heft, no snap, no surprise — just a lot of coppery Ceylon. If you like coppery Ceylons, you might really enjoy this incarnation of the blend.
Bleah. Hauling my rating down.
I can’t even finish this. So not what I was expecting. I am choking on copper.
Maybe they lost their Keemum supplier? :(
Disappointing . . . I love a good blend with Keemun and have been looking for a good one.
This ain’t it.