For the next little bit it’s going to look like I am cheap and never buy tea, only drink samples others have sent. It just so happens that both dexter3657 and TheTeaFairy have sent me tea recently and I am in a ziploc be gone mood.
My partner is away on business for the week so I spread all the ziplock bags on the kitchen table (I eat my meals at work now that nobody’s home) and I have a week to motor through.
TheTeaFairy sent me a 2-cup sample of this. Thank you! I took it with me to work because it’s black and it’s a fruit tea which I can handle with just a bit of sugar. I enjoyed it this morning just fine, gave myself a pat on the back for choosing it. Made one cup and brought the pack back home. I am now having the second cup and as I sit here sipping it after it cooled down a little it strikes me that this tea reminds me very much of Harney’s Fruits D’Alsace. Of course probably none of you thought this and I am not going to make you all drink them side by side, you’ll just have to take my word for it. Or maybe you won’t since the last time I sent out a comparison plea (between Bai hao yin zhen and silver buds pu’erh) I was not all that right.
This tea? Fruity. Black. Honey. Not sure about litchi. Good but not my thing. As for recommending it, I can’t say yes but I definitely can’t say no.
I like having the house to myself sometimes :)
Enjoy the samples :D
haha awesome :)