drank Cantaloupe and Cream by Butiki Teas
306 tasting notes

The aroma of this is heavenly for melon lovers like me. Oddly enough, I love the flavor of melons and the aroma, but I don’t really enjoy eating them because I don’t like the texture, so this is a great tea for me to get my melon fix!

The White Peony tea pairs very well with the natural flavoring and the flowers. The aroma is very obviously of cantaloupes and cream. I decided to sweeten this tea with a bit of sugar, but found that I liked it more unsweetened where the mild vegetal qualities of the white tea still show through. I’ve never been a fan of fruit teas because it’s like drinking hot juice to me, which in most cases is really not an appealing concept, but this tea is wonderfully smooth and relaxing. The melon flavor is light enough that it doesn’t tread into “hot juice” territory for me and it manages to remain tea-tasting, crisp and light.

It’s not all that complex. It’s about what you’d expect from its namesake, but it delivers exactly what is promised. I can see why this tea is an award winner!

Flavors: Cream, Grass, Melon

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Hi there, fellow tea lovers.

My name’s Lion and I’m a Gongfu Cha practitioner, so I usually brew with a gaiwan for reviews unless there’s a more suitable brewing method, like using Japanese teawares for Japanese teas. I tend to stick to straight loose teas and scented teas in general, seldom dabbling in herbal and flavored teas. My favorite tea is Kenyan Silver Needle.

Aside from tea, I’m a generally creative person. I love to cook, write fiction, draw, decorate, garden, and do just about anything creative I can get my paws on.

Animals are really important to me. I’m a lion at heart, and I strive to better understand, respect, and appreciate other animals as best as I can. I advocate for better stewardship of wildlife and captive animals. We’ve still got a lot to learn.

For a long time I rated every tea I tried, but these days I don’t rate them unless they’re exceptional and deserving of a high rating. Here’s my rating breakdown for my reviews with ratings:

0 = Unpalatable, harsh
25 = Unenjoyable
50 = I’m indifferent
75 = Enjoyable, average
90+ = The best, would buy more
100 = Incredible, a favorite


Kansas City, USA

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