My third (and final) infusion: Sweet honey-like undercurrent, with a pleasant spiced foreground. Less of a wood-like taste than what was present in the second infusion. This is smoother and mellower, although the texture is more similar to the first infusion than to the second, and less astringency now too.
I LOVE this tea.
Hi LiberTEAS,
I am delighted by this set of tasting notes as it really reminds me of trying this for the first time. You have a great palate for finding all the nuances. I love that you also notice how the second steeping suddenly has all that cinnamon flavor coming through that wasn’t there at first. Tea can be so full of surprises!
Hi LiberTEAS,
I am delighted by this set of tasting notes as it really reminds me of trying this for the first time. You have a great palate for finding all the nuances. I love that you also notice how the second steeping suddenly has all that cinnamon flavor coming through that wasn’t there at first. Tea can be so full of surprises!