Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me a sampling of this tea.
I would rather be curled up under the covers, snoozing right now, but, I can’t because there’s too much to get done today! So, I decided that warming up with a cozy cup of this tea would be almost as good as the nap.
This is really quite tasty. The apple is well-defined in this cup with pleasant cinnamon notes. The cinnamon is done well in this blend, it isn’t too hot or spicy, but, it is pronounced well enough so that it encourages that “apple pie filling” kind of taste. The black tea is strong. Not particularly bold or aggressive, but strong enough to let you know that it’s there.
There is a “crust-like” taste that also hits the palate near the end of the sip. This is really tasty… like having apple pie for breakfast.