My immediate reaction to just about any herbal blend is a slight cringe. I have quite enjoyed a lot of herbal teas, but, it just seems that when it comes right down to it, they worry me a bit, because not all herbal teas “work.”
This one DOES! Even though I was a little scared of this one, it is actually quite nice. The peppermint is strong but doesn’t overpower the other ingredients. I love the combination of lemongrass and ginger in this – the lemongrass smooths out some of the stronger ginger-y notes, and makes this a very palatable blend.
This doesn’t come off as medicine-y tasting to me. The rose in this is a nice touch and gives it a pleasant floral sweetness.
Very nice!
‘Skin’? It makes me think of a tea made of human skin. 0_o
Yeah, I have to say that the name is pretty unappealing in my opinion!