I ordered this sample, I had heard some good things about this chai so I needed to find out for myself!
I split the brewed tea into two different cups so that I could have one for tasting without any additions and one for tasting as a latte.
Without Additions: Well, as most of you probably know, I’m pretty biased when it comes to chai, as I do believe that my own chai is the best ever. That being said, this chai lacks something. I was reading the label on the sample (which, may I say, I do have a tremendous appreciation for – the labels on these samples are very comprehensive), and it suggests adding a tbsp. of “your favorite black tea” – which suggests to me that this tea lacks a certain “umph” – and it does. The body of this tea – the base – seems relatively thin.
The spices, on the other hand, are delightful. Not too spicy, with a certain sweetness to it that I’m quite enjoying. This would really be an excellent masala chai if it had a stronger black tea base.
With honey and steamed milk: It is quite good as a latte, although, again, it suffers from a thin tea taste. The milk and honey do give it a little more consistency and a nice texture on the palate, as well as bring out some of the delicious spices. But the tea is still dreadfully thin on taste.
I like yours much better than this one.
Oooh, please share! I have no idea how to make chai.
@CHAroma, I no longer sell my teas. Sorry.