Yay! I got my order today!
YUMMMMMMMM! Nutty, smooth, buttery, creamy – DELICIOUS! I like this one A LOT. I am almost (almost) liking it as much as the chocolate banana.
Come to think of it, Frank… bananas would be very good in this blend too. As would a little (little = a lot in LiberTEAS language) chocolate. :)
Yay! I kept watching to see when we would get our first review of this tea. I’m really excited by this one. I think we might be reblending it pretty soon if the reviews go the way I’m expecting. I think it’s pretty spot on for Butter Pecan ice cream. Banana AND chocolate in this blend? Might be a bit much, but I am sensing a theme here with you. I might have an interesting banana blend for you soon… Stay tuned…
You know what? I don’t really even consider myself much of a fan of bananas, either. but I like banana flavored tea, and I like bananas in my ice cream (and smoothies). But, as far as just eating a banana… I would choose just about any other fruit.
@52teas: Banana Peach green tea? That sounds so yummy and refreshing—makes me want to have a smoothie now. :)
@Liberteas: Great review!! “Nutty, smooth, buttery, creamy” – sounds like everything I love rolled into one!
@52Teas, no… but, depending upon your new tea for Monday (what will that be?) I will have to order it with my next order. I am also going to have to order the Jalapeno tea … because I have to try it… sigh
Here is an idea for a tea flavor: Habanero chili and pineapple. I cook up crushed pineapple and a minced habanero chili and add just a little sugar to help thicken the pineapple juice into a syrup. Once it is thickened, I chill it. This is my favorite ice cream topping.
my tea cupboard is full, my floor is covered in shipping boxes, no more delicious teas hides
Ughhhh I think I am going to cave and buy this one…there is only 5 more left says the site…darn pressure! I’ll have to hide this one from my hubby, I am suppose to be on a tea lockdown (he’s starting to give me crazy looks!) lol
Yay! I kept watching to see when we would get our first review of this tea. I’m really excited by this one. I think we might be reblending it pretty soon if the reviews go the way I’m expecting. I think it’s pretty spot on for Butter Pecan ice cream. Banana AND chocolate in this blend? Might be a bit much, but I am sensing a theme here with you. I might have an interesting banana blend for you soon… Stay tuned…
You know what? I don’t really even consider myself much of a fan of bananas, either. but I like banana flavored tea, and I like bananas in my ice cream (and smoothies). But, as far as just eating a banana… I would choose just about any other fruit.
AND… yours is the first banana tea that I tried. :)
So, have you had the Banana Peach green tea yet? It’s one of my all-time favorites.
I want this one soooooo bad
@52teas: Banana Peach green tea? That sounds so yummy and refreshing—makes me want to have a smoothie now. :)
@Liberteas: Great review!! “Nutty, smooth, buttery, creamy” – sounds like everything I love rolled into one!
@52Teas, no… but, depending upon your new tea for Monday (what will that be?) I will have to order it with my next order. I am also going to have to order the Jalapeno tea … because I have to try it… sigh
Here is an idea for a tea flavor: Habanero chili and pineapple. I cook up crushed pineapple and a minced habanero chili and add just a little sugar to help thicken the pineapple juice into a syrup. Once it is thickened, I chill it. This is my favorite ice cream topping.
Would LOVE to try this one someday!
my tea cupboard is full, my floor is covered in shipping boxes, no more delicious teas hides
AmazonV… sounds like my tea cupboard (and garage floor!) haha!
Ughhhh I think I am going to cave and buy this one…there is only 5 more left says the site…darn pressure! I’ll have to hide this one from my hubby, I am suppose to be on a tea lockdown (he’s starting to give me crazy looks!) lol
@Jessica – I know those looks all too well. LOL!
Just order it and hopefully he won’t notice that you’ve received it. Or tell him that a tea friend sent it to you as a gift. LOL!