I decided to give this tea another go, since last night my cup was a little too bitter for me. This time, I brewed it just 3 minutes, and this seems to be about right for this tea.
I don’t know what it is about Adagio’s black tea base – but, it certainly is unlike most Ceylon teas that I’ve encountered. It has a very dry astringency to it, and I can even detect a malty note and even the slightest smoky characteristic to it. It’s much more robust than a typical Ceylon.
I think that this tea would be much better if the black base wasn’t so strong – because it would allow for some of the more delicate tangerine notes to be tasted. As it is, I can taste the tangerine, but, only mere hints of it.
I like it ok, but it is not my favorite. I am currently working on my review of this tea for the Tea Review Blog.