Backlog: I started my day off with this tea. Unfortunately, with my taste buds being the way that they are, the only flavor I could pick up on was the cayenne and so the best way I can describe what I tasted was like drinking cayenne tea. At first, the burn was a pleasant one, but by the time I got to mid-cup, it became a bit too much for me especially since I wasn’t picking up any chocolate or tea or other spices.
I liked this a lot better when I wasn’t sick …
I’m with you. The first time I tried this, I got more “burn” than anything else. Have been waiting for the weather to raw up a little to see if that changes my opinion any.
Well, my previous tastings of this tea were not quite so much cayenne. Well, no, they were still very much cayenne, but, I could taste other components as well. But with this cup, I could really taste nothing but the cayenne. And I am certain that my taste buds being impaired had everything to do with that.
I’m with you. The first time I tried this, I got more “burn” than anything else. Have been waiting for the weather to raw up a little to see if that changes my opinion any.
Well, my previous tastings of this tea were not quite so much cayenne. Well, no, they were still very much cayenne, but, I could taste other components as well. But with this cup, I could really taste nothing but the cayenne. And I am certain that my taste buds being impaired had everything to do with that.