This is pretty darned tasty. The first couple of sips – while it was still very hot – tasted a little off, but now that it has cooled slightly, I find it to be much tastier. The chocolate is prominent, and by mid-cup, the maple becomes just as prominent as the chocolate. The honey sort of pops in and out of the sip, and the cream is more of a background note. The black tea seems a little overwhelmed by what’s going on with the flavors, but, it is still quite enjoyable. Might be even better with an Assam base.
My tastebud imagination can’t wrap around the name and conjour up a flavor. How is it possible. Ice cream, coffee creamer, but tea? You’re brave!
My tastebud imagination can’t wrap around the name and conjour up a flavor. How is it possible. Ice cream, coffee creamer, but tea? You’re brave!
I was surprised by the flavors you found in this, given the name. Maple and honey? Since when does cookies n’ cream have maple and honey in it?? Weird.