Following 1147 Tea Drinkers

Leah Naomi 77 followers

Now a certified teacher, beginning my first year in third grade this fall. I ...

mode & honey 15 followers

Mode and honey stems from the idea that a pot of tea can bring friends togeth...

Lisa M. Collins 5 followers

Lisa M. Collins is a native Southerner; educated at the University of Arkansa...

sundaysipping 52 followers

I became interested in tea spring 2013, when some friends of mine brought me ...

Lariel of Lórien 230 followers

After many years of drinking coffee, I’ve recently become a tea convert. Fave...

apt 59 followers

Yat-Fung Yeung 16 followers

Let talk about tea. Owner of

Catherine Campbell 8 followers

I enjoy fairs, festivals, coffee houses, cultural events, sports, bookstores,...



I am obsessed with tea!

I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters:

I no longer write for the SororiTea Sisters but I am still the admin for the blog.


The reason I’m no longer writing for SororiTea Sisters is because I am now the Mad Tea Artist for 52Teas:

I’ll still be posting occasional reviews on teas here on Steepster, mostly backlogged reviews because I’m way behind on getting reviews posted. That’s why I’m keeping two accounts active at the current time – so that I can get those backlogged reviews posted.


My favorite teas are Yellow Teas with most Oolong teas at a close second. As far as “flavored” teas go, I love Earl Grey, Chocolate and Jasmine teas.

I also am intrigued by flavored teas with an unusual or unique flavor combination, which is why I was very excited to be the Mad Tea Artist of 52Teas!


Vancouver, WA


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