1324 Tasting Notes
So My internet has been down for the longest time and now it’s working off and on….So I’ve had this tea several times since then and after this cup will have only one serving left.
This was kindly sent to me from Mastress Alita. I had wanted to try this company for awhile now and am glad that I got the opportunity.
I found that the best length to steep it was just under three minutes.
The tea is pleasant to drink and makes for a very unique earl grey. I can see it being too floral for some people but I find it to be quite nice. The main note I’m getting is a peachy floral flavor. Somewhat reminiscent to how DavidsTea’s Buddha’s Blend smelled. Although this tea is not nearly as perfume-y as the DT blend which I found to not be drinkable. They mention hibiscus in the ingredients but I’m assuming it’s white hibiscus based on color of the tea, taste, and looking through the dry leaf. I could definitely picture myself drinking this in Paris so the name is fitting In my opinion. It’s a beautiful tea and when I place an order with T2 if this is available I would definitely consider adding some to my cart.
Flavors: Floral, Hibiscus, Peach