I received a tea bag as a sample when I went to the Coffee and Tea Festival. I was disappointed that I didn’t get another kind because I don’t like beets. Well, I’ve never actually eaten any, they just look icky. I gave it a try anyway. Why not?
A quick note on the color of the liquor: what a red! The “bright crimson” is such a gorgeous color. While I waited for the tea to cool, I took the time to admire it.
The tea bag smells heavily of the spices. The aroma of the infusion is less intense, with the beets standing out more. Smells like soup. It also tastes like soup, albeit watery soup (obviously). The flavor is full-bodied and strong, but not overtly so, and the beets and spices are well-balanced. Also, good combination of spices. What I like most about the flavor is that it leaves a long-lasting aftertaste.
This tea is appropriately “savory.” I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Makes me want to try the others. Yay coupons!
One day I’ll have the courage to try them. These days I find myself liking foods that I hated as a kid.
I loved the other savory tea that I tried (broccoli cilantro) I have the combo box and can’t wait to try the other ones!
Beets are tasty! You should try them :) I prefer them roasted and then chilled and put in a salad…
One day I’ll have the courage to try them. These days I find myself liking foods that I hated as a kid.
Haha, I can’t help but wrinkle my nose at the sound of this.
The idea of a beet tea goes against the grain, doesn’t it?
I loved the other savory tea that I tried (broccoli cilantro) I have the combo box and can’t wait to try the other ones!
I await your review for this one :D