this tea is steeping now. ive had this for a while so i dont know why i havent tried it before. i love the taste of pears but hate the texture (same with bananas)
the leaves are very pretty and dry smell very nice. while its steeping it smells almost the same theres something different i just cant put my finger on it…and seeing as i dont drink much white teas this may be why :p
so the leaves got huge i love it! its so pretty and the liquor is a very pale yellow
it tastes very nice unsweetened. nothing like real pear thats for sure but more like pear candy. with sugar its even more candyesque :) i like it. i can see myself drinking this.
im using an acrylic travel mug i got from starbucks that has a screen thats keeps the tea leaves from being sipped up so im sure i will be over brewing this as i continue on drinking it.