i will be editing this post with my re-steep i plan on doing so stay tuned :) (i know i said i wouldn’t but check my gingerbread review and you will see why)
everything about this tea is amazing! b4 i head over to my parents tomarrow for our family christmas party i may try this shaken with ice! the smell of this tea alone is enough to get my mouth watering like crazy, only to realize it tastes almost the same as it smells!!
so im sitting here nursing some stitches and a bruised knuckle (darn snow shovel) and thought that strawberry would be perfect right now for the situation. i was right :) this tea never fails me if steeped right.
the color is a medium amber.
re-steeped this and surprisingly enough it isnt bad, i re-steeped for 10 mins and theres no bitterness but i can tell its not the same, it lost some of its strawberry flavor and gained an extra sweetness. i enjoy this. :) maybe ill get brave enough to do a 3rd sometime soon.