i love this tea! its just so relaxing and makes me feel like im drinking candy :) almost like a guilty pleasure. i tried it re-steeped…well it isnt bad, just not strong enough for me, it reminds me of watered down strawberry bath water, i drank it…i just dont plan on doing it again.
i over steeped this about 2 days ago and wow did i regret that! this is a very touchy tea 5 min steeping not a second longer or it will taste like your drinking bitter apple spray (its a training aid for pets you spray things you dont want them chewing on…unfortunately ive sprayed it in my face and know what it tastes like) but if you get it right WOW. this is a tea i keep coming back to over and over again!
time to get the travel mug set up and get ready for work!
5 min, 0 sec