From the packaging to the last drop and everything in between, Teavivre’s Premium Jasmine pearls are great. Opening the pouch released a fresh scent of intense Jasmine that begged to be steeped. These have become my staple Jasmine pearl after trying many types. I use about 25 pearls in my 4oz Gaiwan and get three steeps reliably from it. This tea totally lacks astringency, so I am able to steep for longer than I’d try with more delicate teas (8 minutes) with the result being very intense and sweet Jasmine tea over two steeps. I’ve really grown accustomed to this wonderful intensity and spend as much time with my teacup under my nose as on my lips. The taste and aromatherapy are equally wonderful. Along with a full Jasmine flavor, there is an underlying toasty tea flavor and a curiously grape-like note. I could drink this non-stop.
Flavors: Grapes, Jasmine, Sweet, Toasty