Woah – smells like beer! I’ve never had Kombucha tea before so I expected it to taste similar to an oolong. Actually it tastes more like an alcoholic cooler in my opinion – this is a fermented tea, but it was being sold with all the normal, non-alcoholic drinks so I didn’t think there would be any significant alcohol involved. Huh.
It has a fruity flavour that makes me think of plums combined with something a bit yeasty. It’s an odd mix of sweet and sour and it leaves a strange taste on my tongue.
I’m not sure what I think of this drink except maybe ‘weird’. Really weird.
Wow, that definitely doesn’t sound like something I would like. Beer smell… shudder
Yeah I wasn’t too thrilled. I’ve just realized what the aftertaste reminded me of – apple cider vinegar. Bleh!
what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Or something.