Adagio’s Masters tea collection claims to be a cut abouve its normal teas – it certainly is a cut above their usual prices so I wanted to see if the teas were actually worthy the price before I forked over the money for a whole tin.
The appearance of the tea is certainly a cut above your basic green oolong – the leaves are beautiful jade-green twists that unfurl into large, whole leaves. The first steep is quite light with a very faint lilac scent with much of the same daintily-sweet floral quality to it.
The second steeping (@ 2:30) is fuller but it retains that floral quality without tasting or smelling like a cup of perfume. It’s still quite a ‘light’ tea compared to other oolongs that I’ve tasted and it feels quite smooth and clean in the mouth with no unpleasent aftertastes.