This tea smells quite lemony right out of the package and not a whole lot else. There’s a herbal undertone but it’s mostly lemon.
The package directions were for steeping in boiling water for 4-6 minutes while the tag on the teabag recommended steeping in less-than-boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Thanks for clearing that up Numi. ⌐_⌐ I decided to go with the latter instructions because of the green tea in the blend, plus mate is reputed to get bitter when steeping in boiling water.
The end result is still mostly lemony though I can taste a bit of the nutty/herbal flavour of the maté midway through each sip. There’s maybe a little bit of a green tea taste if I concentrate but it’s not really adding anything significant to this blend that I can tell.
It’s nice enough but it tastes like every other lemongrass/lemon myrtal-flavoured concoction out there. It’s not maté with lemon, it’s LEMON with a hint of maté and frankly if I didn’t know there were other ingredients present I would just think that this is a herbal lemon tisane, abit a nice enough one if that’s your bend.