Now that I added more tea I’m definitely getting a fruity/peachy sort of thing going on with the scent as it’s steeping. The colour of the tea is a delicious-looking dark honey colour.
At first, while the tea was hot, the most prominent flavour was a bakey one that actually reminds me a bit of a Darjeeling tea but with less of an astringent bite. There’s also unfortunately a bit of a dustiness in the taste than I’m picking up that doesn’t exactly do much for this oolong. As the tea cools I start to notice a sweetly fruity flavour particularly at the end of each sip.
The second steeping (@ 4.5min) is more low-key and the fruity notes come through better. I’m also noticing a bit of a smooth, buttery quality to this steeping aswell.
Well that’s the end of the sample, thank you for sharing it with me Ricky. It’s a good dark oolong and I’m bumping it up a few points from last time, but it still doesn’t match up to the Lavender Basics Formosa oolong in my opinion. Damn you, why did you have to go out of business – whyyyyyyyy??! *dramaflail *