Another of the teas I got from Takgoti. The dry leaves are long, dark and wiry, I supposed I’m used to seeing my black teas more broken-looking. The scent is interesting in that it’s not what traditional black tea smell – actually it reminds me more of a Yunnan tea than a Indian tea.
The flavour is a bit like Yunnan too, sort of malty but with tannin undertones, although it lacks the strength and smokiness of the Chinese teas. However at the very beginning I’m also tasting something that reminds me of berries, but it’s quite elusive and it disappears quite quickly. I’m not sure where people are getting ‘sugar’ and honey’ from because I’m not really tasting it, although I think there’s a bit of sweetness on the tail-end of each sip.
I’m still shocked that this is a Ceylon tea.
I know, it tastes NOTHING like any of the other Ceylons I’ve tried.