My second try at this tea and I reduced the steeping time in hopes that would tone down the flavour a bit.
When I opened the tin I noticed that there’s some sort of sticky residue on the inside of the tin – presumably from the leaves. I’m almost afraid to ask what it might be from. o_0 The smell of the dry leaves is still a veritable kick upside the nostrils. My brain seems to be interpreting it as a cross between Old Dutch Dill Pickle potato chips and those candy cinnamon hearts that always show up in the stores for Valentine’s Day.
When I tasted the tea I braced myself, but it actually wasn’t that aweful. Ignoring Adagio’s steeping recs definitely paid off, I think. It has a watery, green flavour that does in fact remind me off freshly-cut, raw cucumber.
So in short, not a fantastic tea but I honestly don’t think that it’s as horrible as everyone’s saying it is. ;)
Eh, everyone doesn’t think so- I have 8oz of this stuff lol;)