i received a sample of this tea in a trade, I forget with whom, I’m afraid. It’s the first tea I’ve tried from this company and so far results are favorable. Most flavoured oolongs usually use a dark oolong base but this one is quite green and sweet-flavoured by comparison. It has a very smooth feel in the mouth and a light, slightly floral flavour. It’s less orange-like than I thought it would be but I do get a bit of fruitiness. Like most good green oolongs it resteeps well though the I found the floral notes to be more pronounced.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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I’m a university student in her twenties who’s currently working her way toward a Bachelor of Natural Resource Science degree. I love both science and science-fiction and I’m a history nut on top of that. Maybe I should just call myself a nerd and leave it there. ;)

I’ve been drinking tea since I was young but it’s only in the past couple years that I’ve become interested in the good-quality stuff.

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