I’ve passed this tea in the International Foods section of the grocery store for a long time, but I didn’t really take note until I saw it mentioned favorably here on Steepster. So the last time the boyfriend-creature and I were shopping I tossed this into the cart (accompanied by much eye-rolling on my boyfriend’s part) figuring that since it was only four bucks for a decent-sized tin, why not?
The dry leaves were quite fragrant and I was worried at first that it would be a jasmine-overdose. I fecked up the first cup unfortunately, since the water wasn’t hot enough (I was guess-timating with my kettle) and I ended up steeping longer than I should’ve to make up for it. So the first cup was rather harsh-tasting, although I was relieved to note that the jasmine wasn’t too powerful.
I resteeped the leaves to much better results which I’m drinking as I type this. It’s not a bold-tasting tea, although it IS slightly astringent, though not in an unpleasent way (if you steep it right, that is). I’ve also noticed that it has a sweetness to it that becomes more pronounced as the tea cools.