I tried this tea in less than boiling water based on suggestions I’ve seen in a couple different places. Steeping time was 3 minutes.
There’s a lot of bits that escaped the strainer this time which is a tad annoying (it wasn’t like this the first time so it might be that the bag got accidently crushed in my tea cabinet). I know some people like to eat the steeped tea leaves, but I find it a bit annoying to have to spit out little pieces of leaves after every sip.
The smell is fruity, almost what I’d call berry-like (muscatel???). I’m not sure that 3 minutes is enough time, at least at this water temperature as the tea is tasting a little bit weak. I think I’m getting a bit of what the description referes to as ‘nuttiness’ although for some reason it reminds me more of bread. I’m also getting a hint of the sharpness (brightness?) I noticed before, though it’s a lot more palatable in this instance.