I thought this would be another good season spanner – and I haven’t had it in ages!!!!
I really like the mixture of vanilla and jasmine in this, but I had a bit of brain forgetfulness and blanked out that this has some green tea in it. I made it at 200 degrees and had a little bitterness. I also would have preferred it with a little sugar.
On my second steep, I added some Rosy Earl Grey which also has jasmine, and brewed it at 195 and was much happier :) More natural sweetness, and less bitterness. As a matter of fact, I think this might be a great way to change Rosy up a little! A pinch of Rosy and a pinch of Vanilla Jasmine will be a nice change of pace now and again!
P.S. I haven’t made a jasmine tea in so long. I hope not to repeat that mistake. I love jasmine tea and have MISSED it!!!! I have that swoony OMG THIS IS SO GOOD feeling when I taste it!! :)