As soon as I tasted this, I said “Wait?! This is a Keemun? It tastes like an oolong!” Lo and behold, it’s supposed to :) Formosa – I see! Once I wrapped my head around the fact that I’d be enjoying an oolong, and not a roasty chocolatey Keemun, I relaxed into it.
This one is pleasantly woody, with a rich, complex, sort of tangy flavor. Second steep sweeter and less woody. I bet it would be great with food. We are actually out of water here at work (we get spring water delivered because our faucet water is so vile) but I am going to save my leaves in hope that we get a delivery some time today so I can have another steep!
Thank you Michelle, my SweeTea, for this tea!!!
Yay! We got a water delivery! I am on my third steep and it’s very nice, indeed sweeter and rounder. Even greener! I love how oolongs get better as you steep! I think I’ll have one more after this one too!
Yay! We got a water delivery! I am on my third steep and it’s very nice, indeed sweeter and rounder. Even greener! I love how oolongs get better as you steep! I think I’ll have one more after this one too!
Geography paradox! O.o Will we have to redraw the world map now?
I know – when I saw that this tea was from Taiwan I experienced a disconnect!