My prize for the What’s Your Ritual Samovar contest came last night! I’m not sure if it was an error or if they decided to be extra generous, but they sent me Yunnan Golden Buds. Oh my dear sweet tea leaves!!!! The leaves are gorgeous and golden and puffy and amazing.
I did my first steep at 175 for 2 minutes, and I am in Sweet Potato Heaven. I mean, there are yams with halos on playing harps each time I close my eyes and take a sip! I am in awe! I was going to play around with the steeping parameters but I said why mess with perfection! Maybe another day I’ll try a different temp, but I am enjoying it so much as it is…ahhh!
I did the second steep in much the same way, and it’s outstanding as well. I think it’s even sweeter on this go around. I hate to keep saying amazing, but, er, amazing!!!
This is a gentle, subtle, delicious wonder in flavor yet an invigorating feel good tea! I love it!
I will most certainly be doing steeps all day, and I’ll update this post later :)
It’s kinda funny – I wrote my little essay to win this prize from an experience that I was able to have because my husband won a prize of free airfare anywhere in the USA for two at his holiday party at work two years ago!!! In that spirit, I gave samples to two of my favorite tea people at work to spread the spirit of giving and prizes and tea and ALL THINGS GOOD!!!
Thank you Samovar!!!
EDIT: I wound up doing 6 steeps! I at first stopped at 4, and then an hour later put more water in my kettle and did 2 more because I wanted that exquisite flavor. I know I went on about Sweet Potatoes earlier in my note, but I will amend to that and say I taste Sweet Potatoes and Brown Sugar. Image the Sweet potato angels glistening with brown sugar and THAT is how this tea tastes!
Oh man, this is on my list of top 5 favorite teas. It might be my only “100” ranking tea on Steepster. :)
Is this the same thing as the Yunnan Royal Gold I sent you, or is it different?
It’s similar but these leaves are larger, lighter, and…puffier! I bet they are in the same family.
Oh man, this is on my list of top 5 favorite teas. It might be my only “100” ranking tea on Steepster. :)
Must try this miraculous tea—sweet potato angels!—(penciling in a trek to the closest Samovar today).