Many, many thanks to gmathis for this tea!!!!
First off, this is a very pretty tea. Lots of blue cornflowers, citrus peel, and other herbaceous beauties! It made me really excited to try it as one of my Earl Grey Alternatives.
It’s really nice once brewed. Citrus-y but there is something else — I thought it was chamomile. I was convinced it was chamomile. I was expecting my head to hit my desk at work at any moment until I read the description and saw that the herb-y flavor was eucalyptus! Phew! I am so relieved as I am one of those people who can talk themselves into falling asleep with chamomile. :) It’s interesting that I taste herb-y but not menthol-y as I would expect with the eucalyptus, though!
This definitely fulfilled my “something different” wish. I don’t think I’d go searching it out (I like herb-y more during the night) but I am happy to have tried it! I may combine my remaining bit with my Earl’s Garden to tone down the herb-y for work drinking.
It really does look like confetti, doesn’t it?
It does! So preeeety!!!