This my third LP tea of the day, and I’m still as excited about this one as I was about the first one. Strong the vanilla is, in this one (Yoda voice).
This is nice and smooth. Very calming. The cocoa notes remind me of the 2014 puerh by WP I drank yesterday and today. The peppermint is definitely there but not overpowering. The black tea base is very good too.
I added a teaspoon of cacao nibs to the second steep, but they didn’t really do much.
Overall, this is a good tea. I liked the cocoa vanilla taste and the refreshing peppermint.
I was just texting my friend and told her I got more tea today and she replied ,“Om nom nom nom. I’m turning into a tea maniac! You’re converting me :p.”
Peppermint Nom Nom everybody (stands. closes eyes. raises glass. sits down.).
Flavors: Cocoa, Mint, Vanilla