Hmmm, this was interesting. The guy at Davids said it was good, and i just wanted to buy something because #examtherapy and I’m bad at decisions. I’m not upset at my decision actually; I really, really love ginger, and there’s quite a lot of that in here (also, it helps with period <3). What I don’t love, however, is the cinnamon, which I always find tastes weird in Davids blends. Also, just a pet peeve of mine: when chai does not have cardamom. I love cardomom. I wish it was used everywhere, in everything.
Despite the fact that this one gets kind of bitter easily, it didn’t taste too bad, and was pretty energizing. A pretty okay break from my study oolong tea.
Steepster took out the middle half of my note and won’t let me add it in…???? I give up.