Silly me finally adding this to my inventory when I only have a few grams left! I ordered this separately from the she qian so I could get that one asap, and this—harvested days later—came not too long after.
Another excellent long jing in my opinion, though definitely distinct from the superior she qian. The initial aroma of this one is nutty, roasty and beany, preparing the palate for the flavors to come. The initial steep is a very light clear yellow, and is smooth with a sweet, roasted chestnut body with almost sugary highlights and subtle florals rounding it out. I love the aroma that fills my space, which is—again—like taking in the aroma of a nice, savory broth. The flavor develops and strengthens in steep two, and even when steeped longer than intended doesn’t become astringent. After subsequent steeps, the florals move more into the forefront of the flavor profile.
While the she qian is, indeed, superior, this is still an excellent long jing and definitely a solid, more budget-friendly choice!
Flavors: Beany, Broth, Chestnut, Floral, Nutty, Sweet, Umami, Vegetal