Another sample from Hoalatha. Couldn’t wait to try this tea out of sheer aroma-driven curiosity. It smelled like fruit loops. Straight up. I’ve definitely had grainy and cereal-y teas before, but this was my first time having a tea that smelled of one so specific!

This tea steeps up nice and golden with a thick texture and sweet flavor that exudes fruit loops and more of that cereal graininess. In the following steep, a darker sweetness and malty, fruity flavors emerge. Really, really enjoyed this one!

Flavors: Fruity, Grain, Smooth, Sweet, Thick

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I like tea, mostly unflavored. I drink all tea, with a preference for teas from China, Japan and Taiwan, with some exceptions.

I don’t rate until I have had a tea several times unless it makes a very strong, immediate impact.

I am hunting for the following:
w2t 1990s HK Style

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